Coordination of Supports

What we offer

HPA provide participants support to understand and implement their individual NDIS plan and provide links to community, mainstream and other government services.

To receive the assistance of a Coordinator of Support, make sure to request assistance during your NDIS planning meeting – the funding will then be included in your plan and a referral sent by the agency to your preferred Coordinator of Supports.


Our Support Coordinator can negotiate with providers about what they will offer and how much it will cost out of NDIS plans.

Support delivery

Our HPA Coordinator will ensure agreements and services bookings are completed.

Choice and control

We can help build your ability to exercise choice and control, to coordinate supports and access your local community


Activities schedule

HPA Coordinators will work with participants to develop a highly individualised schedule of activities, reflected in a Service Agreement, which can be delivered in a group, individually, or a combination.